Custom Highland Meadow Grasses Crown


My good friend Iseabal in her custom Highland Grasses Meadow Crown - alongside being a flower crown model, she is also a talented maker - check out her range of luxury woven leather bags.


A Flower Crown made with grasses foraged from a Meadow on the Isle of Skye

When I started floristry, I started to really look at everything that was growing around me when I went outside . This is definitely influenced by the teachings of my tutor Julia from Wild Gorse Studio, who would have us start any design brief with a trip outside to find the special elements that would make our work stand out.

When on a walk with my friend, she pointed out how much she loved the meadow grasses that grow in the Scottish Highlands - there are so many varieties of different shapes, sizes, colours and textures. When she asked me to make a flower crown for a festival a few weeks later, I knew I had to try and turn these humble weeds into something special.

The finished piece was paired with some delicate dried flowers, but mostly is just a combination of the grasses I found in my garden. I think it’s Iseabal in flower form! :)


Belladrum Hen Flower Crowns


Eilean Donan Castle Wedding