Eilean Donan Castle Wedding

eilean donan castle wedding flowers

Photograph by Rosie at Love Skye Photography, you can book her here.

When — September 2022
Where — Eilean Donan Castle


Flower Fairy Godmother

Here’s the tale of the quickest wedding flowers I ever made…

My boyfriend’s mum operates a local hotel and asked me to help out one day in September. I turned up for my shift and she told me to go and talk to a couple currently having breakfast in the dining room who were getting married that day, but didn’t have any flowers yet.

I got chatting to Betty, David and their witness - David’s mum all the way from Canada, who has strong family ties to Scotland. I discovered they were after some heather for a quick bouquet - so I offered to go out and pick it (we even managed to find a bit of lucky white heather - just like the groom’s mum had on her own wedding day!). My favourite addition was a beautiful stem of perfect thistle heads which I found growing on the path overlooking the castle.

While I was out picking flowers, I bumped into the groom’s mum on a walk around Dornie, who couldn’t help but share her delight at being a part of her son’s big day & how happy she was to welcome his new bride to the family.

Once I foraged enough flowers, I quickly made up a hand-tied bouquet and presented it to the bride - then jumped back on shift.

A few days later, the lovely Rosie at Love Skye Photography sent me over some photos of the couple’s Eilean Donan Castle wedding, featuring my 15 minute flowers.

To Betty & David, wishing you a lifetime of happiness together. I hope the flowers made by your waitress will provide a fun anecdote about your Scottish castle wedding in years to come!


Custom Highland Meadow Grasses Crown


Lean To Coffee Dried Flower Garlands